Higher Diploma in Coaching / Coaching Psychology

Higher Diploma in Coaching / Coaching Psychology

The Higher Diploma in Coaching / Coaching Psychology offers a detailed programme on the use of coaching psychology within a coaching context. The programme is accredited by UCC. The Higher Diploma in Coaching/Coaching Psychology will provide you with the skills, understanding, awareness and knowledge to be an effective coach and to respond creatively and positively to the current demands and uncertainties of life. The programme examines the role of self and the use of Mindfulness within the coaching conversation. Please contact the programme coordinator for further information about this programme.

MSc Personal and Management Coaching in Dublin & Cork College University
MSc Personal and Management Coaching in Dublin & Cork College University


Higher Diploma in Coaching / Coaching Psychology:
Start Day28th September 2020

Lectures take place in UCC, Cork on Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, with occasional weekend workshops.



  • Candidates will be required to have relevant experience in a related working role or hold a primary degree in any discipline
  • Candidates may be required to attend for interview
  • English Language Requirement
  • All applicants whose first language is not English must have attained IELTS Level 6.5 or the equivalent TOEFL

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  • AP5814: The Psychology of Coaching and Perspectives on the Self (10 credits)
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  • AP5815: Intra/Inter personal Communciation and Awareness (5 credits)
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